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“Whoever made this cake has never seen a football before,” concluded another. “Mo Salah getting the birthday cake every seven-year-old dreams of,” wrote one fan in reply. “Mans stole a 5-year-old's birthday cake from the bakery,” joked another. “Me when I was 5… Mo salah at his big age,” wrote one fan in a quote-tweet. Steven Gerrard shares dinner snap with Will Ferrell in extremely random encounter.Gini Wijnaldum picks up unwanted Ligue 1 award after difficult first season at PSG.To some, the classic black and white style football with a happy birthday message looked out of place in front of one of the best players in the world celebrating his passage into a fourth decade on earth. So far so normal.īut you didn’t have to look much closer to see what plenty of his followers thought deserved comment: a gigantic football-shaped cake perched on top of a green base. “Thank you for your birthday wishes,” the Egyptian wrote as a caption to his 16.6million Twitter followers. Salah turned 30 years old on Wednesday, and to celebrate he posted a picture of himself beaming in front of a birthday cake. Liverpool star Mohamed Salah has been mocked by fans who believe his birthday cake was intended for a five-year-old child.

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